

A day at Phoenix Modern can be flexible based on student needs; however, the following represents a typical day in the life of a student and guide at Phoenix Modern.


Free Time and Arrival

Students arrive between 7:30 and 8:30 am. As they enter the learning studio, they have freedom to engage with their peers and utilize the resources in the studio. Some students may decide to work on their core skill goals, make updates to a project or simply engage in a game of chess with a friend. Guides greet students as they arrive and monitor the studios.


Morning Meeting

At 8:30 students gather together in their studio for a morning community discussion. During this time, guides lead students in a discussion that sets the tone for the day. The intention of the discussion is to inspire students, equip them with a new processor tool, or to further connect as a community of learners.


Core Skills

From 9:00 to 12:00 students work on self-paced core skills for math, reading, and writing. Each subject is broken down into “levels,” which learners engage with an intentionally curated compilation of hands-on materials, printed curriculum, and online instructional resources (Elementary and Middle School studios).


Lunch and Free Time

For a minimum of 60 minutes each day (12:00 – 1:00), students have time for lunch and play.


Exploration and Enrichment

(1:00 – 2:00) Learners engage in special enrichment opportunities with our Specialist Guides. At this time, we offer health and wellness and art. We hope to expand these opportunities in the future.


Afternoon Launch

At 2:00, students gather together again in a community circle for a launch into the afternoon. This time is once again used to inspire, equip, or connect learners. A guide will also use this time to introduce or advance a project or writer’s workshop Challenge. In the Primary Studio, afternoon launch will include calm, quiet time, so that children can relax and recenter before the rest of the afternoon.


Project Work

(2:15– 3:00) Afternoons are very flexible, but typically, they will be a time for our quests. Quests are interdisciplinary projects that are comprised of investigations and challenges that build off of students’ interests and curiosities. During the afternoon, students will also engage in Socratic discussions or Writer’s Workshops, both of which will integrate the quest’s topics and themes.


Studio Maintenance

Near the end of each day (3:00) students work collaboratively to clean the studio and prepare it for the next day.


Closing Circle

Learners finish their day with a community circle to reflect on their day and to celebrate and encourage one another. After closing circle, learners may continue to work on projects in the studio until 3:30 or go home for the day and pursue a wide variety of self-directed learning opportunities with friends and family.



At the end of every session (5-7 weeks), students will present what they’ve learned and created to their parents and other community members in a student-led exhibition.

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Phoenix Modern is a free, public charter school in Phoenix, Arizona
200 E. Mitchell Dr.

Phoenix, AZ 85012

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200 E. Mitchell Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85012

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(480) 779-3117

Student Academic Records

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(480) 779-3117

Our Campus

200 E. Mitchell Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85012

Phoenix Modern is a free, public charter school in Phoenix, Arizona